Friday, March 25, 2016

Becoming One

Unity in marriage is a detrimental part of building love for and trust in your spouse. If you are not united how are you supposed to have a solid foundation to build a family on? If a couple is not united then the foundation is unstable and it can affect more people that just the ones in the immediate family. If we want to start off our marriages on the right foot then we need to realize how important the solid foundation will be for our children.
            This is something that my fiancĂ© and I have talked about before and we both realize that this may be hard to do at times, but we both agree that it is very important. Growing up you are constantly told by the media how important it is to be independent and to rely fully on yourself. Women are taught that they can do just fine without men and men are taught that the role of the women is unimportant, but in marriage it is the exact opposite of what they are saying. In marriage you need to fully rely on one another and you need realize that you each have different roles. Even with these different roles you are still equal to one another. You are there to work together using you specific roles to raise a family and guide them through this earthly life.

            As we are able to unite ourselves in our marriages, great blessings will come. We will be able to better guide our children through this life and keep them on the straight and narrow, and we will be able to give them that solid foundation so that they do not have to focus on that part of their lives, but they will be able to focus more on other parts of their lives.

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