Friday, February 26, 2016

Overcoming Pride

Pride seems to be a recurring theme in many of my classes this week. It’s been something that I have noticed in myself lately and is something that I, like many people are trying to work on.
Some people may not truly know what pride is and just how much damage it can do to a relationship. Being prideful is like boasting about yourself. You put yourself and your accomplishments above the accomplishments and need of those around you. I have seen way to many marriages be destroyed because of the pride of one of the partners.
I think that pride can been shown in a marriage in many different ways, but I think the most common way is when one of the partners isn’t willing to share the power in the relationship with the other partner. They want to be able to feel like they are controlling everything in the relationship and have their needs met, but they aren’t really thinking about he needs and wants of the other person. It says in “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by John M. Gottman that about 81% of marriages fail when one of the people in the relationship isn’t willing to share the power, and in many cases it’s the man that has a difficult time sharing it. Although men are more commonly known for it, women can still fall into is to. Everyone us susceptible to succumbing to the power of pride.
Although all of us will mess up at some point or another, we all have the ability to do the best that we can. As we work on becoming the best person we can be, the Lord will make up for what we are not able to do. Through his atonement we can become the person that our Heavenly Father wants us to be.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Staying Connected

To me, staying emotionally connected to your spouse is something that is very important. It definitely is one of the top things that I think should be a part of a strong marriage. Sister Cheryl A. Esplin said in April 2015 that, “Strong eternal families and Spirit-filled homes do not just happen. They take great effort, they take time, and they take each member of the family doing his or her part. Every home in different, but every home where even one individual seeks for truth can make a difference.” So many times couples get married feeling like they are very emotionally connected and that nothing can tear them apart, but as time goes on that bond can weaken. Even if one of the spouses puts for the effort to better the relationship and make it stronger, it will help. The effort that is put into creating the emotional bonds is well worth the work.
This week my boyfriend and I got engaged and are now in the process of trying to plan a wedding. As we have been talking about our different wants and needs, I have notices that I have begun to bond with him in a new and unfamiliar way. Planning something this big together is something that we have never done. It’s been a little stressful at time to plan together, but doing so has helped us emotionally bond in a new way.
Staying emotionally connected is something that I want to make sure is a priority in our relationship and marriage. I want him to be able to come home after a long day at work and be able to talk to me about it and have him feel like I genuinely care, and I want to be able to do the same with him. This will take work, but will definitely be worth it!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Nurturing Builds Trust

A crucial part of keeping a relationship going strong is to nurture it on a regular basis. If you get into a relationship and do not nurture it, then it’s not going to grow at all. It will just stay the same and will never grow into something bigger and better than what it started out to be. A part of nurturing the relationship is to show and build trust. If you do not trust the other person in the relationship, then how do you think the relationship will go? It will definitely not grow and will probably end up falling apart. Trust is something that needs to be worked on every single day.
With that being said, if your relationship hits a rough patch, and nurture and trust are not being show, things can always change. Just because it is this way now doesn’t mean that you can’t work on making it better tomorrow. One thing that I have noticed in my own relationship is that when it hits a rough patch, it is usually because I am not nurturing it very well. Since starting school this semester, I have noticed that my relationship with my boyfriend has changed in many different ways, some good and some not so good. It was kind of rough at the beginning of the semester trying to learn how to juggle school, work, and a relationship, but I’m finally starting to feel like I am getting the hang of it. There are still some times every once in a while that are hectic, but that’s just a part of the college life.

Nurturing a relationship is a part of building a foundation for what the eventual goal is, a family. As we nurture it, our love grows, trust develops, and patience is able to be practiced.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Behaviors in Marriage

Marriage is something that is bound to have its ups and downs. It wasn’t something that is meant to be all sunshine the whole entire time. Every person is different which means that every marriage is going to be different also. John Gottman explained that the ratio of positive to negative actions and/or words is a marriage needs to be at least 5:1 in order for a marriage to be able to function the way it should. When something negative is said or done it does a lot more damage than something nice, which is why a lot of nice things need to be done in order to “makeup” for what the person did. Negativity is a natural part of life, which means that it would only make sense that it is a natural part of marriage. If it wasn’t this way then how would you we know the good times from the bad? Everything has an opposite to it. One piece of advice that my mom gave me about getting married as I am preparing to do so is to make sure you get in a fight with your significant other before you get married. Many people may think that that’s a weird thing to do, in fact I was talking to my roommate about it and I think she thought it was a crazy idea, but the reasons behind it make more sense. My mom explained to me that the reason you want to get in an argument/conflict at some point before you get married is to see how well you guys are able to resolve the issue. Problems are bound to arise in any marriage at some point or another, but its all about how tyou handle and resolve them that makes the difference.