Pride seems to be a recurring theme in many of my classes this week. It’s been something that I have noticed in myself lately and is something that I, like many people are trying to work on.
Some people may not truly know what pride is and just how much damage it can do to a relationship. Being prideful is like boasting about yourself. You put yourself and your accomplishments above the accomplishments and need of those around you. I have seen way to many marriages be destroyed because of the pride of one of the partners.
I think that pride can been shown in a marriage in many different ways, but I think the most common way is when one of the partners isn’t willing to share the power in the relationship with the other partner. They want to be able to feel like they are controlling everything in the relationship and have their needs met, but they aren’t really thinking about he needs and wants of the other person. It says in “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by John M. Gottman that about 81% of marriages fail when one of the people in the relationship isn’t willing to share the power, and in many cases it’s the man that has a difficult time sharing it. Although men are more commonly known for it, women can still fall into is to. Everyone us susceptible to succumbing to the power of pride.
Although all of us will mess up at some point or another, we all have the ability to do the best that we can. As we work on becoming the best person we can be, the Lord will make up for what we are not able to do. Through his atonement we can become the person that our Heavenly Father wants us to be.